Resource: Guide
7-Step guide to transition to hydrogen vehicles
Transport, undeniably, plays a vital role in our global economy. But the sector is also a significant contributor to national and global greenhouse gas and noxious emissions, with a particular onus on heavy transport.
With more focus on zero-emission options, there is interest in alternative transportation fuels, including hydrogen. For commercial vehicles, fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) – powered by hydrogen—are well placed to enable the reduction of emissions in the transport sector.
This guide assesses the top 7 considerations for fleet owners and operators interested in exploring:
low-emission technologies
the strong potential of hydrogen as a versatile, clean energy fuel source
implementing FCEVs to reduce emissions.
Endua has extensive experience in hydrogen innovation and renewables. Leveraging these strengths, we have created this guide, focusing on the value of, and strategies to support organisations’ transition to heavy FCEVs, as well as ways to overcome challenges.
What’s in the guide?
For fleet operators considering implementing hydrogen vehicles, this guide facilitates decision-making by highlighting key considerations for transitioning to hydrogen vehicles, and breaking the process down into manageable steps.
This guide includes information about:
opportunities and ways to overcome challenges
refuelling models
location requirements
power use and renewable energy sources
hydrogen needs and production requirements
ensuring safety and compliance
considerations for associated equipment.
Opportunities & challenges
Refuelling model
Location requirements
Power use and renewables
Safety and compliance
Hydrogen needs
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